The inability to stop gambling despite harmful negative consequences for finances, job and personal life.
Examples for "compulsive gambling"
Examples for "compulsive gambling"
1Oliver had to be getting desperate to cover his compulsive gambling-andhis debts.
2Martin Paterson knows just how dangerous compulsive gambling can be.
3It classifies compulsive gambling as an addiction, the first behavior to be so categorized.
4Someone who is in recovery for another addiction is especially vulnerable to compulsive gambling, experts say.
5There is no specific psychiatric expertise available to deal with compulsive gambling in Ireland, writes Paul Cullen.
1Recent imaging studies have shed light on the mechanism underlying pathological gambling.
2Conclusions: Familial factors have an important influence on risk for pathological gambling behavior.
3Treatments for pathological gambling are also described, including both psychosocial and pharmacological approaches.
4To examine vulnerability to pathological gambling, we estimated the familial contributions (i.e.
5This change may represent an opportunity to expand research on gambling and treatment of pathological gambling.
1It also suggests extending problem gambling education, or funding more problem gambling services.
2The majority of respondents had never received information about problem gambling.
3Ultimate Gaming CEO Tobin Prior said his company offers safeguards against problem gambling.
4Students in employment had substantially higher frequency of gambling and greater problem gambling.
5Specific gambling formats mediated the relationship between involvement and problem gambling.
1And they're questioning whether it's promoting a form of harmful gambling addiction.
2Critics say they fuel gambling addiction, an accusation disputed by the bookmakers.
3They portrayed gambling addiction as both an anomaly and an individual weakness.
4Instead, she thinks he should go into rehab for his gambling addiction.
5Wendy Bendel's partner killed himself after struggling with a 20-year gambling addiction.
6He cited gambling addiction as a particular problem that has continued to rise.
7The admissionscome amid widespread concern about gambling addiction and its impact on society.
8Here are some ways to detect and help treat a gambling addiction: 1.
9Problem Gambling says it'll act as a gateway to gambling addiction.
10But critics have cited risks of increased gambling addiction and more organized crime.
11This, remember, is a policy designed to reduce harm caused by gambling addiction.
12It has been delayed repeatedly amid opposition from lawmakers worried about gambling addiction.
13Alexis Conran from The Real Hustle examines gambling addiction for a BBC documentary.
14Two years ago, Ryan killed himself after struggling with a secret gambling addiction.
15However, while less headline grabbing than drugs, gambling addiction is a major social problem.
16The recent gathering, though, examined possible similarities between gambling addiction and addiction to cigarettes.